Heben Underslung Cranes

Heben Crane

Under Slung Girder Cranes for Warehouse Efficiency

Heben underslung cranes are an excellent option if you want to get a factory floor with no obstructing columns. These ceiling-mounted cranes open up your workspace, allowing for better workflow, increased storage, and improved safety. We know, every inch matters. That’s why, these underslung cranes are engineered with minimal side approach dimensions and customizable cantilevers, ensuring you can utilize every corner of your facility.

Heben Crane

Key Features


Up To 8 Tons


25 Mtr.


12 Mtr. Onwards

Girders Options

Available with rolled section or box girders

Optimized Connections

Main girder connection versions for optimized hook height

Customizable Dimensions

Minimum side approach dimensions and customizable cantilevers

Space-Saving Design

Ideal for complex factory configurations and tight spaces

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